Marking Professionals on site

REA´s new video format

Since the beginning of the year, we have been at the start with our new and temporary video format. Marking experts Frank Debusmann (Sales Manager Germany) and Daniel Wege (Business Development Manager) hit the road and visit customers and partners with their cameras. There, they shed light on the process behind the scenes and explain what role markings play and how they can be applied. The result is informative, entertaining and user-oriented. 

Always on the 15th of a month we go online with a new episode! Many exciting topics are planned for 2021, a few are already in the box and just waiting to be published. And if you already want to know what Industry 4.0 is or what UDI and MDR mean, just have a look at the videos below.

Biodegradable reusable coffee cups - sustainable and marked with REA

The ""marking professionals"" from REA Elektronik visit a Fraunhofer innovation factory in their latest video.

Current Episode: Euro pallets - marked safely and traceably

"Marking professionals" explain in Video 21 how the international goods carrier becomes fit for the future with REA Elektronik

All episodes at a glance

Episode 20: Biodegradable reusable coffee cups - sustainable and marked with REA

The ""marking professionals"" from REA Elektronik visit a Fraunhofer innovation factory in their latest video.

Episode 19: High-quality cans and tubes - quality-checked and marked with REA

In their latest video, the "marking professionals" explore, among other things, how the systems from REA Elektronik help with quality assurance.

Episode 18: Tour of the "K-Show" with the Marking Professionals

This time our Marking Professionals present the highlights of the REA booth at the K-Show, the international trade fair for the plastics and rubber industry, in Dusseldorf.

  • Large character printing system
  • High resolution inkjet printer with the innovative wet-on-wet printing process
  • Code verification systems

Episode 17: Wood marking in cross-cut saws

For the 17th episode of the "Marking Professionals on Site" series, he and his partner Frank Debusmann (Sales Director national Coding and Marking Systems) visited the internationally renowned specialist in Illertissen. 

  • REA JET HR printing systems for wood cutting
  • Uniform TITAN operating platform for controlling the REA JET marking systems

Episode 16: Marking and Labeling of Construction Timber

This time it's all about wood for the Marking Professionals - Part I. 

  • Marking with REA JET HR and mechanical distance levelling device
  • Labeling of the front and long side of the finished packages

Episode 15: Marking & Labeling of Cheese Products

This time, everything revolves around cheese - its creation, packaging and, of course, labelling.

  • Direct printing process with the REA JET HR
  • Direct labelling of outer packaging

Episode 14: Solutions for technical textiles

"Quality is our A&O - our fabric saves lives."

  • Marking on fabric
  • Traceability with machine-readable codes

Episode 13: Review 2021

This time directly from the think tank:

  • Review 2021 with questions from our audience
  • How fast can wet-on-wet marking be applied?
  • Is laser marking dangerous?

Episode 12: Solutions for the building materials industry

This time at our doorstep on the construction site for our new company building:

  • Marking solutions for trends in the building materials industry
  • Automated measuring of walls and building technology

Episode 11: Codings and Markings in Logistics

This time we are guests at Conrad with the following themes:

  • Automated matching of merchandise and shipping box
  • Path from the order to the package ready for shipment
  • Markings with REA JET GK 2.0 High Resolution Inkjet Printer

Episode 10: REA Innovations at Fachpack 2021

Fachpack innovations from REA Elektronik now also as video:

  • REA JET HR: Printing labels directly onto foil
  • REA LabelTower: Inspection of plain text and code quality on labels in one step
  • REA JET FL Laser Marking Cabin with Autofocus Function
  • REA VeriMax Inline: Good to know that all is right
  • Flexible shipping labeling with the REA LABEL High-Speed Servo Labeler

Episode 9: Marking Solutions for Track & Trace Applications

This time we are guests at Wipotec with the following themes:

  • Reliable systems for consumer and counterfeit protection
  • REA printer and code verification systems integrated in the complete solution of WIPOTEC-OCS

Episode 8: Bag Marking for Bulk Materials

This time we are guests at Hauri with the following themes:

  • Exact and reliable bag marking
  • Medical product rich in minerals must be marked with appropriate information

Episode 7: Marking in the food industry

This time we are guests at Friweika with the following themes:

  • Print important information onto primary and secondary packaging of food products

Episode 6: Marking in the food industry

This time we are guests at Brändle with the following themes:

  • Print important information onto primary and secondary packaging of food products

Episode 5: Laser marking of plastics

This time we are guests at Akro-Plastic with the following themes:

  • Laser marking of plastics
  • Additives and Performance Materials in the Plastic Industry
  • Traceability, Protcetion against counterfeiting, Security

Episode 4: FFP2 mask marking

This time we are guests at ruhlamat with the following questions:

  • How are FFP2 respirator masks produced? 
  • What are the characteristics of safe products?
  • How can you recognize them and what do you have to watch out for?

Episode 3: Industry 4.0

This time we are guests at the vocational school Gelnhausen with the following topics:

  • Networked processes in modern Industry 4.0 manufacturing
  • Significance of network-capable coding and marking systems

Episode 2: MRD & UDI

This time we are guests in Fulda at Malteser Hilfsdienst with the following topics:

  • Implementation of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MRD)
  • Practical application of Unique Device Identification (UDI) marking

Episode 1: Building Materials Industry

This time at our doorstep on the construction site for our new company building: 

  • Practical application of markings in the building materials industry
  • Coding and Marking of the most different surfaces

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