The „Marking Experts on site“ explain: How FFP2 masks are made

FFP2 masks are currently on everyone's lips - and noses. But: How are they produced? What characterizes safe products and how do you recognize them?


Unique Device Identification for medical devices

UDI marking is coming soon – REA offers the turn-key solution

By the end of May 2025, all medical devices must be clearly and completely traceably marked in accordance with the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR).…


"That´s the way it´s always been"

Unfortunately, we still hear this killer phrase all too often. And there is no objection to the proven, working and thought through to the end. But…


Logo's en waarmerken naar wens en behoefte

Directe markering steeds belangrijker in de houtsector. Holzwerk Baur en markeringsspecialist REA JET hebben daarvoor op maat gemaakte oplossingen met…


NiceLabel Software for designing labels - REA JET and REA LABEL

Twee sterke partners: hardware en software van één bron bespaart tijd en geld

Complete oplossingen uit één hand - REA JET codeer- en markeringsystemen en NiceLabel software vormen een krachtige symbiose voor het optimaliseren…

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